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Dial-Up Connection Help

IF YOU ARE UNSURE HOW TO FOLLOW THE TROUBLE-SHOOTING STEPS, PLEASE CONTACT TECHNICAL SUPPORT. Blue One is not responsible for problems incurred when a customer trouble-shoots their own connection.

Errors 602, 630, 666
Error 650 - The Remote Access Server Is Not Responding
Error 676 - The Line Is Busy
Error 680 - There Is No Dial Tone

Error 629 - You Have Been Disconnected From The Computer You Are Dialing
Error 635 - Error Unknown
Error 678 - The Computer You Are Dialing Did Not Answer
Error 679 - Cannot Detect Carrier Signal
Error 720 - No PPP Protocols Configured

Errors 604, 645, 691, 718

Pre-dialing Hardware Errors

These errors occur before your modem dials an Internet access phone number and may involve your modem's hardware not functioning properly.

Pertains to:
Error 602 - The Port Is Already Open
Error 630 - The Port Was Disconnected Due To Hardware Failure
Error 666 - Your Modem (or other connecting device) Is Not Functioning

  1. Restart the computer and try again.
  2. If you entered an init string for your modem, go back in to the Modem Control Panel, remove the init string and restart the computer.
  3. Make sure there are no programs on your computer that could be using your modem, such as fax software, Supervoice, etc.
  4. Hold the Ctrl and Alt keys down, and hit the Delete key on your keyboard. This will bring up the Close Program window.
  5. While in the Close Program window, look for something called RNAAPP, it might even be listed as RNAAPP.EXE. Click on it, then click the End Task button. If RNAAPP has stopped responding, it will display another window telling you so. If it appears, click End Task again. If RNAAPP has NOT stopped responding, no second window will appear.
  6. Restart the computer.
  7. If this problem is occuring on a laptop computer, try plugging the PCMCIA card into a different slot.
  8. If you use a desktop computer, make sure the dial-up connection is using the proper modem via Dial-Up Networking (Win 9x, ME, NT4), Network Connections (Win XP), or Network and Dial-up Connections (Win 2000).
  9. Try running Diagnostics on the modem, via the Modem Control Panel, to see if it responds. If you don't receive a response, try uninstalling and reinstalling the modem from Add/Remove Hardware (this is done at the customer's risk).
  10. If you have multiple modems installed, run diagnostics on each one to see which ones give a response. If none of them do, try uninstalling all but one of the modems.
  11. Make sure the modem is plugged in and all other physical connections are secure.
  12. If all else fails, refer to your computer vendor or modem's manufacturer.

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Error 650 - The Remote Access Server Is Not Responding

  1. There is a good chance that this is a modem error. Restart the computer before you do anything else.
  2. Search for the telephon.ini file (usually located in C:\Windows). Once you have found it, rename it telephon.old or telephon.bad.
  3. Click on your Start button, click on Run, and type tapiini.exe and press the Enter key. This recreates the telephon.ini file and not much of anything will appear on your screen to tell you so.
  4. Restart the computer and try the connection.
  5. If you still get this message after the above steps, try recreating the dial-up connection to Blue One. You must know the correct settings for the connection. If you don't recall them, select your operating system in the menu to the left.
  6. If you continue getting this error after you have recreated the telephon.ini file and dial-up connection, you may want proceed with more advanced modem trouble-shooting.

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Error 676 - The Line Is Busy
This is not to be confused with a "fast busy signal," which is a busy signal you can hear through your modem's speaker directly after it gets done dialing your access number. A fast busy signal may indicate a telephone company problem in your area. In that case, contact our Tech Support to report the outage.

  1. Verify the phone number that the connection is using.
  2. Try calling the number on a regular telephone and listen for modem tones. Do you receive a response? Try the number a couple of times. If you don't receive a response or hear the operator come on the line, it may be a telephone company issue in your area. Contact Blue One Technical Support at 1-877-725-8366 to report the outage.
  3. Try removing and recreating the dial-up connection.
  4. Search for the telephon.ini file (usually located in C:\Windows). Rename it telephon.old or telephon.bad.
  5. Click on your Start button, then click on Run. Type in tapiini.exe and press the Enter key on your keyboard.
  6. Restart the computer. This will recreate the telephon.ini file.
  7. If you still receive this error, contact Blue One Technical Support . We can check our network usage graphs to see if the dial-up capacity in your area has been reached or exceeded. If this is the case, Blue One will add telephone lines and/or modems as needed.

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Error 680 - There Is No Dial Tone
This error is a common symptom of a modem that was zapped by lightening in a thunder storm. If you had any storms in your area since the last time you connected, and the steps below don't resolve your problem, a power surge along your telephone lines could have fried your modem.

  1. Check to make sure your modem is plugged into a wall jack properly. Most modems have two telephone jacks in them, one for the wire that runs to the wall jack, and another one that runs to a telephone. You want the wire from the wall jack plugged in to the modem telephone jack that says "Line" or "Line In."
  2. Plug a normal phone into the wall jack that your modem plugs into. Pick up the phone and listen for a dial tone. If you can't hear a dial tone, contact your local telephone company. If the dial tone doesn't come on after a couple seconds, contact your local telephone company to have the issue resolved. You may also add 3 or more commas before the phone number in your Blue One connection properties. Each comma will cause your modem to pause for one second before it dials the phone number.
  3. Plug a regular phone in to the same telephone wire that plugs in to your modem. Pick up the phone and listen for a dial tone.
  4. Remove any phone line splitters or surge protectors that your modem's telephone line might be running through. If you previously had a DSL connection and needed a phone line filter for the DSL connection to work, remove that filter.
  5. Make sure that your telephone lines are set up for Touch-Tone service. If you have a touch tone phone, you already have touch tone service. If you have Pulse Tone service on your telephone lines and use a rotary dial phone, check your dialing properties via the Modem Contol Panel to make sure that Pulse dialing is selected.
  6. Open the Close Program window by holding the Ctrl and Alt keys down, then pressing the Delete key on your keyboard. Look for RNAAPP or RNAAPP.exe. End task it and restart the computer.
  7. Verify that your modem is responding by running diagnostics on it in your Modem Control Panel.
  8. Verify that the telephone line that your modem uses is not being used by another device, such as a fax machine.
  9. Try uninstalling and reinstalling the modem in Add/Remove Hardware.
  10. Contact your computer vendor or modem manufacturer. You may need a new modem.

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Modem Hand-shake Errors

Hand-shake errors occur when your modem is communicating with Blue One's modems just after your modem dials the access number.

Error 629 - You Have Been Disconnected From The Computer You Are Dialing

  1. Verify Username and Password.
  2. Check your dialer settings in Dial-Up Networking (Win 9x, ME, NT), Network and Dial-Up Connections (Win 2000), or Network and Internet Connections (Win XP).
    • Windows 95/98:
      1. The only thing that can be check-marked under Advanced Options is Enable Software Compression. Under Allowed Network Protocols, only TCP/IP should be check-marked. Having Log On To Network checked is the most likely culprit. You could also try enabling DNS in the TCP/IP Settings. For DNS server addresses, please view the Quick Reference Guide.
      2. Make sure the Microsoft VPN Adapter is not selected under Connect Using.
      3. Recreate the Dial-Up Connection in Dial-Up Networking.
      4. Check the Network Control Panel settings. Remove any AOL adapters and VPN adapters (dial-up only).
      5. Restart the computer.
    • Windows ME: Same as Windows 95/98, except under the Security tab. Make sure nothing is check-marked under Advanced Security Options.
    • Windows NT 4.0:
      1. Under the Server tab, make sure the only thing check-marked under Allowed Network Protocols is TCP/IP.
      2. Under the Security tab, make sure Accept any authentication, including clear text is selected.
      3. Enable DNS. For DNS server addresses, please view the Quick Reference Guide.
      4. Check Network Control Panel settings.
      5. Restart the computer.
    • Windows 2000 and XP:
      1. Verify all dialer settings.
      2. Under the Security tab, make sure Typical (recommended) Settings is selected and Allow unsecured password is selected under Validate my identity as follows.
      3. Recreate the dial-up connection.
  3. Start modem trouble-shooting. Check for line noise, disconnect any other devices on the same phone line and plug your modem directly in to a wall jack.
  4. If the above steps do not resolve your issue, contact your computer's or modem's manufacturer for instructions on how to upgrade your modem's software.

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Error 635 - Error Unknown

  1. Check all basic settings in your dial-up connection: Dial-Up Networking (Win 9x, ME, NT4), Network and Dial-Up Connections (Win 2000), or Network and Internet Connections (Win XP).
  2. Windows 9x and ME: Check the settings in the Network Control Panel. Remove any AOL adapters and VPN adapters (Dial-up only).
  3. Recreate the dial-up connection.
  4. Uninstall and reinstall all dial-up related software, excluding your modem.
  5. If you have a modem with known problems, look in to upgrading your modem's software or try init strings.
  6. Check in to line noise. If you live in a rural area, a weak phone line signal could be the culprit.

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Error 678 - The Computer You Are Dialing Did Not Answer/ No Answer
Most times this is a modem handshake error. The best way to resolve this is to upgrade your modem's software.

  1. Verify the number that your computer is dialing. It shouldn't be dialing an area code if the number is a local call, except if you are calling a local number in a different area code.
  2. If you have disabled Call Waiting when you connect to the Internet, make sure you are dialing the correct prefix.
  3. Recreate the dial-up connection.
  4. Restart the computer.
  5. Windows 9x and ME: check the settings in the Network Control Panel. Remove any AOL adapters and VPN adapters (Dial-up only).
  6. Restart the computer.
  7. Uninstall and reinstall all dial-up related software, excluding your modem.
  8. Restart the computer.
  9. If the above steps do not work, it is a modem handshake error. The next step is to upgrade the software that runs your modem, init strings, or check in to line noise. If you live in a rural area, a weak telephone line signal could be the cause.

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Error 679 - Cannot Detect Carrier Signal

  1. Verify the number your computer is dialing. If you disable Call Waiting when you connect to the Internet, make sure you are dialing the correct prefix. If you are in an office and need to dial a number for an outside line, make sure your modem is dialing the correct prefix. Most times that will be a 9.
  2. Open the Close Program/ Task Manager window. Hold the CTRL and Alt keys down, then press the Delete key. Look for RNAAPP.EXE or RNAAPP and end task it.
  3. Restart the computer.
  4. Make sure no other programs are using the modem (fax programs, Supervoice, etc...).
  5. If you can hear the modem handshake, try adding the init string &C0 (the last character is a zero). This will make carrier detect always on.
  6. Look in to upgrading your modem's software.
  7. Check in to line noise or a weak line signal.

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Error 720 - No PPP Protocols Configured

  1. Delete the dial-up connection.
  2. Uninstall all dial-up related software, excluding your modem.
  3. Check the Network Control Panel to make sure that no dial-up adapters or dial-up protocols are still listed. If they are, remove them.
  4. Restart the computer.
  5. Reinstall all dial-up related software, excluding your modem.
  6. Restart the computer.
  7. Check the Network Control Panel for required adapters. For Windows 95/98 and ME, you need Dial-up Adapter and TCP/IP -> Dial-up Adapter (sometimes just called TCP/IP). Remove any VPN adapters (dial-up only), NetBEUI dial-up protocols and IPX/SPX Compatible Protocols for the Dial-up adapter.
  8. Restart the computer if it tells you so after clicking OK in the Network Control Panel.
  9. Recreate the dial-up connection.
  10. If this doesn't work, contact your computer's or modem's manufacturer.

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Authentication Errors

Usually involve your username and/or password being misspelled or corrupted before it reaches Blue One's servers.

Pertains To:
Error 604 - Wrong Information Specified
Error 645 - Internal Authentication Error
Error 691 - Access Denied Because Username And/Or Password Is Invalid On The Domain
Error 718 - PPP Timeout

  1. Try rebooting the computer.
  2. After restarting, delete and reenter your username and password.
  3. Call your Internet Service Provider and verify your username and password. Technical Support will ask for the PIN number for your account before they can give out your password or username.
  4. Try getting online again.
  5. If you are getting password errors while trying to log in to your e-mail account and didn't receive any password errors while trying to connect to the Internet, wait 10 to 15 minutes for our mail servers to automatically log your mail account out. Then try logging in to your mail account again.
  6. If you still get password errors, have Technical Support reset the password.
  7. Try again. This is done at your own risk. If you still get password errors, the next step is to delete the PWL (Password Log) files. To do this, click on Start, then click on Search or Find. Type in .pwl and click the Find Now button. Delete any files found. Restart the computer and try again.
  8. Try recreating the dial-up connection.
  9. Try deleting and re-adding the Dial-Up Adapter, located in the Network Control Panel. Windows ME users will need to reinstall Dial-Up Networking in order to add the Dial-Up Adapter back in the Network Control Panel.
  10. Try a full uninstall and reinstall of all dail-up related components, excluding your modem.

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